The Greatest Ability

Series: Ecclesiastes
Date: April 10, 2016 By: Pastoral Staff Campus: Cedar Lake, Crown Point



Jesus gives your life meaning. He is your King. This message was given by Pastor Mike Wittig as part of the Ecclesiastes teaching series on April 10th at the Crown Point campus and April 17th at the Cedar Lake campus.


13 Better was a poor and wise youth than an old and foolish king who no longer knew how to take advice. 14 For he went from prison to the throne, though in his own kingdom he had been born poor. 15 I saw all the living who move about under the sun, along with that youth who was to stand in the king's place. 16 There was no end of all the people, all of whom he led. Yet those who come later will not rejoice in him. Surely this also is vanity and a striving after wind. Ecclesiastes 4:13 — Ecclesiastes 4:16 ESV